Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Analysing spatial pattern in slums: a multiscale approach
According to the Global Report on Human Settlements (United Nations, 2003), almost 1 billion people (32% of world population) live in squatter settlements or slums. Recently, the perspective over those settlements has changed, from harmful tumours which would spread around sickly and unhealthy cities, to a new perspective that interpret them as social expressions of a more complex urban dynamics. In this context, Cities can be interpreted from the perspective of urban texture through high resolution satellite images. Preliminary results from analytical experiments based on Lacunarity suggest that it is not only possible to distinguish the spatial configuration of slums from formal areas, but from other informal areas as well, contributing for the development of alternative and complementary classifications of these settlements. For more information see the paper: Analysing spatial pattern in slums: a multiscale approach presented at Congresso Luso-Brasileiro para o Planejamento Urbano, Regional, Integrado e Sustentável (PLURIS)in 2005.
Urban Lacunarity Analysis of Medium-Size Brazilian Cities
Open spaces of cities play a key role at ensuring environmental sustainability and also at the restructuring of its urban territory. Evaluat...
From left to right: Ana Lúcia Candeias, Mauro Barros Filho, Norma Lacerda, Luiz Amorim, Jan Bitoun, and Fabiano Sobreira.
Research group of UFCG at X Colóquio QUAPÁ-SEL from 23 to 24 June 2015 in Brasília, DF. From left to right: Ana Carla Lima, Joyce Xavier, K...
Meeting new and old colleagues after the presentation Slum detection through lacunarity-based texture analysis of remote sensing images in ...