Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Experiences on the elaboration of Participative Master Plans in Da Mata Mesoregion of Pernambuco, Brazil

The present paper is a synthesis of the experiences done during the elaboration of Participative Master Plans (PDP) in Da Mata Mesoregion of Pernambuco. The main objective is to confront the methodology developed for the elaboration of these plans with the results obtained, considering the socio-territorial, socio-economic, and historic-cultural specificities of this mesoregion. In order to achieve this, four parts compose the paper. In the first, it is realized a brief contextualization of the legal basis available for the elaboration of PDP and the operational basis established by state of Pernambuco Government for this. In the second, “the municipality we have”, it was described the methodology developed and the results obtained from the diagnosis of four municipalities located in Mata Sul Development Region (RD) of state of Pernambuco: Amaraji, Escada, Gameleira, and Ribeirão. In the third, “the municipality we want”, it is presented the methodology developed and the results obtained from the proposals for these municipalities. Finally, in the last part, it is presented some final considerations about these experiences.

More details about these experiences can be seen on the complete version of this paper published on the first edition of HUMANAE, an online scientific journal published every six month by Faculty Esuda, Brazil.

Urban Lacunarity Analysis of Medium-Size Brazilian Cities

Open spaces of cities play a key role at ensuring environmental sustainability and also at the restructuring of its urban territory. Evaluat...